Hope House Lowestoft
Apply to become a residentTHE APPLICATION PROCESS
Please read the information below before applying to become a resident at Hope House.
Who can apply
We welcome applications from men over the age of 25 and under the age of 65, who are homeless for whatever reason.
There are many reasons someone can become homeless.
In your application and when we meet you, please give as much information as you can about your situation and what caused you to become homeless.
If you’re not sure what to tell us, it’s better to give more information than less.
Anything you tell us will be treated as strictly confidential, in line with our data protection policy.
(To reassure you, we have received hundreds of applications over the years – from men who have been homeless for very different reasons – so it’s unlikely that we have not met someone in a similar situation to your own!)
Click on either of the buttons below to download the application form.
You can also pick up a paper version of the application form from Hope House, if you’re not able to download one: click here for directions. We can also help you to fill in the form.
Before you apply, please see the pages on Living at Hope House, to make sure you understand about the facilities, tenancy conditions and support we offer.
If you need accommodation urgently, please contact us before sending your application form, to find out if a room is available (or will be available soon).
Please check your contact details are correct and email the completed form as an attachment to adamoutreachproject@gmail.com
1. Visiting Hope House
When we have received the form, we will contact you to arrange a time for you to visit Hope House and talk through your application.
It will be an informal chat, to learn about how you could benefit from your time here and how we can best support you.
We will be interested in your thoughts about living in shared accommodation and about life beyond Hope House.
2. Drug, alcohol & Covid tests
When you arrive at Hope House, you will need to pass tests for Covid-19, alcohol and drugs before entering the building.
You must also wear a face mask – unless you are exempt for medical reasons.
Hope House is drug and alcohol free, and all residents are regularly tested to make sure they comply with this rule.
Click below for more details about our policy on drugs, alcohol and testing.
The Covid test takes about 20 minutes, and you may need to wait outside the building until it shows you are negative for Covid-19.
If the result is positive, you won’t be able to enter the house and will need to wait at least 10 days before returning.
The drug and alcohol tests take a few minutes each, and we may ask you to wait outside the building while we process them.
If either test is positive for drugs or alcohol, we won’t be able to let you into the house and you will need to wait until you are drug and alcohol free before returning.
Successful applications & room availability
After talking with you about your application, if we think you could benefit from being a resident at Hope House (and have passed the Covid, drug and alcohol tests), we may be able to offer you a room straight away.
If there are no rooms available immediately and you are able to wait, we can keep your application form until a room becomes free.
We will contact you after a few days to see if you want to continue with your application.
If not, to comply with data protection law we will delete your application form from our records (but we recommend you keep your own copy of the form in case you want to re-apply later).